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Buy Now - Give Later Challenge

Speiro Legacies #givingtuesday - Black Friday Sale

Have you ever wondered what happens after Santa has come and gone, after toys are unwrapped, broken and tossed?

Have you ever wondered what happens after the Turkey is eaten and the canned cranberry is gone and when the good that has been given has given out?

Have you ever wondered about the Christmas Spirit in May when the tax refund is spent and there is no money for rent?

Have you ever wondered how the new shoes and fuzzy warm pajamas help in June when the AC breaks and the kids are out of school eating the house out of the home and the food stamps don’t rise to fill the gap?

Have you ever wondered where the Christ of Christmas and the spirit of giving is when it’s July the Fourth and the freezer breaks, the hot dogs rot and the water bill rises because the landlord is celebrating in the mountains and not fixing the leak?

Well if you have or if you haven’t, have we got a deal for you?

BUY NOW. Get the warm and fuzzy Spirit of Christmas Giving in the Season. Celebrate Black Friday and Jesus’ birth.

GIVE LATER: We’ll give for you later when the season has passed and the crises occurs and the need presents its ugly, derailing head.

Donate online through our website, through facebook #buynowgivelater or mail us a check PO Box 2202, Amarillo, TX 79105. Please indicate if your are purchasing food, electricity, water, rent or college tuition. We want to send you a thank you when the needs is met.

Please Note: While Speiro Legacies' mission is not “social services” we do encounter “social obstacles” that prevent the families we assist from moving forward. These social obstacles include bills that can’t be paid which cause us to quit college to go to work…month with no electric bill helps. Sometimes the obstacle is a sick child and a trip to Dallas which causes our families to miss work, miss pay, miss class and miss out on forward progress. We appreciate you supporting our families by providing in advance for the ability to overcome future obstacles and keep us on the road to college and career success.

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